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What We Blog About

Here at Turtle Vida, we blog about a variety of things from RV Life to Travel to Health/Wellness to other random topics that we find interesting (and hope you do, too!).

We also have some fun blogging themes planned each month.

Wellness Wednesday
We'll be sharing tips for staying healthy. Perhaps a recipe or a workout or some yoga. Perhaps just something to inspire healthier choices throughout the day or while traveling / living on the road.

Fun Fact Friday
Once a month, on the last Friday, we'll post about a completely random fact, because a little more useless information is always fun. :)

We'll round out these themed posts with other posts about us, our adventures, life on the road, and anything else that strikes us.

We're happy to have you join us and hope you look forward to all of our posts! Be sure to connect with us on social media and/or by subscribing to our posts.

Jeff and Clarinda

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